PENN 515/525MAG2/MAG3 DIAL "O" RING 302J-525MAG2 AKA 1214686
A new Penn 515MAG2 & 525MAG2 Dial O-ring item number 302J on the reel exploded diagram/schematic
Penn part number 302J-525MAG2
Pure Fishing part number 1214686
This listing is copyright©www.jimsreelshop2023
Please check your reel schematic to confirm that you are ordering the correct part. To find the part number consult the exploded diagram, which comes with the reel when new. If UNSURE please ASK, BEFORE ordering! If you order the wrong part additionally fees will apply, as we cannot be responsible for customers mistakes!
Jim's Reel Shop Service & Supply parts for ABU-Garcia, Akios, Daiwa, Mitchell & Penn fishing reels